The reason for my choice is that Sechas' work is so different from mine. The topics of his work are the only thing that is in common with mine, maybe. Yet, the qualities I admire are the use of humor, the site specific nature of his works outside the galleries, the completeness of his in gallery exhibitions, the careful mix of incompatible elements, and his hysterical reaction against the contemporary art icons (Duchamp for instance) that are set as a unquestionable standard.
So, being very into documentary photography, this work is very refreshing to me. I don't say I quit doing documentary, just wondering how to catch the viewers attention. Is it possible to make real impact on viewers with serious matter or that happens by being only scandalous and sensational? Sechas work has more than the sensational and the humor.
Biography: Alain Séchas was born in 1955 in Colombes, France. He works and lives in Paris. list of exhibitions here
1) Using the style of comics and cartoons to put across his loony worldview, this French artist has populated his exhibitions with a playful and appealing bestiary for more than fifteen years. Yet despite its bright colors and superficially cheerful allure, Sechas's world has nothing childlike or sweet about it. If there were a Disney World la Sechas, it would no doubt feature, in the manner of Paul McCarthy, a guided tour of all our fears, anxieties, and frustrations.
Jean Max Colard, Artforum 2001
2) Falsely naive, the work of Alain Séchas stands out and opens our eyes, like his cat: « Forcing the viewer to see is to me the very definition of art », he says.

Interview: (French only)
Review: ArtForum, Summer 2001, Jean-Max Colard
Web Site:
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