Jamie Lawyer
1) Your work is about psychological trauma and coping with it. How important for you is the specificity of this trauma? Do you aim to show the source of trauma or only the outcome?
2) Are you about subtlety in images or shocking the audience? What would be your aim in the future?
3) Could you explain what is the role of scale and repetition in your work.
4) What do you aim with your work? What is the discourse you want to engage your audience in?
5) Who are the artists/writers you associate with?
6) Do you explore trauma on personal or social level and what is the reason for you emphasis?
7) As an emerging artist, what venues would be ideal for your agenda? What would be the most effective ways to reach the audience?
Jon Philip Sheridan
1) Are your works about representing ideas or delivering sensations?
2) Formulated concept or formal exploration: which is more essential when you begin a new work and why?
3) Considering the Inflection installation, what emphasis do you put on process? Is the end result the goal or the process itself that becomes essential?
4) What is the subject matter of your work? Is it about aesthetics, political topics, social phenomena, human nature, existentialism?
5) How does your work connect to the specific exhibition space, does it respond or conform to it?
6) Do you aim at galleries or public spaces? Could you explain why?
7) How do you want to influence your public? What do you want to make them think about?
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