The lecture was very helpful for my own practice, many ideas came as a result, some information as well. The main thing in Sam's work is: awareness. I see it as exploration of space and place in a non political way, he framed it as the connection between oneself and the landscape. I was so impressed by the different media he is using to do that.
Hartford, CT, as a commuter city he mentioned is coming close to my work. I need to find commuter cities and photograph them (Richmond is not quite in this category). The next inspiring thing was the sauna. In order to provoke awareness of space and experience he uses challenges or stimuli: heat, sound through water, vision, movement and gravity. My favorite work is the underwater sound, it's immersive and not framed by an institution. This work is about the spectator's senses and interpretation of the space rather than the artist representation of an experience. A person can discover it or approach it on their own terms without mediated notions of what it must be about or any expectations.
Sam's works are on one topic but he makes them as separate projects. He did not show a single project building over time. I wonder whether this is good or bad in relation to my work. Also he avoided political aspects that might get into his work and this is the major difference in respect to my interests.
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