He talked about his residency in the University of Sheffield and the show he had in Site gallery. I felt little uncomfortable as he was in the role of the wise foreigner visiting a troubled wasteland city and critiquing it. Well his work is not that but still there is some spectacle of the misfortune. I have been wanting to see his projects, the sculptures, videos and real prints. A review of this show can be seen in Frieze:
Moulin talked about his process. Exploring a place is for extensive period of time in order to get into the rhythm of life, understand its history and establish relations with the people living there. He addressed the romanticism of the decaying and seeing form without function as sculpture... I really get this 21st century romanticism from his work indeed. Being romantic without being silly is hard. References to architecture styles were in the talk but not too in depth. What I really admire Moulin though is his ability to not just represent but make things that are actually relevant to the place. He manages to make excellent work out of the sames concerns that I have.

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